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"My name is Kristen. I was introduced to Trisha about two months ago by my chiropractor. I have chronic pain so I have gotten regular massages for several years but what I get with CranioSacral is something different than what I have ever experienced before.

I would definitely recommend it to anyone who hasn’t tried it. It has really changed how my body feels."


 Kristen K


"I would go from doctor to doctor and all they wanted to know was, what were my symptoms and treat the symptoms. Then I remembered hearing about CranioSacral Therapy and I thought; You know what? This could be pretty important.

…what Trisha does that is different is she also listens to you, but then, she wants to listen to your body."

Sherie Pezzeminti


Trisha has been working with me for about the last year. I have worked with several therapist in the area and she is the first one to help me get out of pain, especially with my neck after being rear-ended in a car accident.

…Trish definitely goes above and beyond. She has helped me so much in my life."


Daena Deva


"My son is autistic and nonverbal. After an exhaustive search for someone to help treat my son I found Trisha. Trisha took the time to “listen” to my son and slowly built a safe relationship with him. I can’t tell you how miraculous it is to have found someone who can finally communicate with my son. He is calmer, more focused, and happier because of CST with Trisha Schmalhofer. I have greatly benefited too. Trisha has given me a gift called hope!"


Kim Phillips


"I started having pressure headaches two years ago. They were completely debilitating and the pain was so excruciating that I sought help through multiple clinics. Conventional doctors put me through tests including CAT scans, MRIs, and lumbar punctures. I was prescribed medication from antibiotics to antifungal’s. Nothing worked and I was left with very little hope. I made an appointment with Trisha as a last measure but didn’t expect much. To my complete astonishment, CranioSacral Therapy with Trisha has decreased my pain by 90% and the frequency of the episodes by 75%. I finally have my life back and it’s all because of a wonderful woman named Trisha Schmalhofer!"

 Laurie Casey

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